Human Resources
Our Human Resource Department entrusts an employee resource that promotes equal opportunity, job promotion, training and benefits through approved policies and procedures and equally extends employment assistance to the members of our community.
Job Openings
Administrative Assistant
Under the direct Supervision of the Tribal Chairman, this position is responsible for management of the front office of the Tribal Administration. Responsible for cordial interactions with Tribal members, program staff and visitors. Acts as the hub of the administration offices for various duties and coordination of Tribal events delegated
Grounds & Animal Control Manager
The primary function of this position under the general supervision of the Deputy of Program Operations will be responsible for the supervision and maintenance of the Tribal Roads, Tribal buildings, parks, ditches and common grounds and as Necessary the enforcement of the Tribal Law and Order Code of animal control.
Information Technology (IT)
Police Department
Victim Services Program
Violence Prevention Advocate
Victim Services Program
The primary function of the position is to provide direct services, advocacy, and coordinate emergency related services to victims of domestic violence, dating violence and sexual assault. This position will also proactively work with the Tribal and surrounding area community focusing on education, outreach and prevention.
Victim Advocate
Victim Services Program
The primary function of the position is to assist victims of domestic violence, elder abuse, sexual assault and stalking by providing emergency services, support, safety planning, and referral to resources. The Advocate will act as a guide for victims while navigating the criminal justice system and while acting as a liaison between the victim, law enforcement, court, and other programs deemed necessary to promote the rebuild their lives following victimization.
Water Quality Program Coordinator
The primary function of this position is responsible for implementation of
work plan activities and compliance with Federal grant requirements; under the “Clean Water Act
Section 106” Tribal Water Quality Program and other Environmental water quality programs as
Yerington Paiute Tribal Health Clinic
Executive Director
Under policy direction of the Yerington Paiute Tribal housing Authority ("YPTHA"), to be in charge of operations, functions, and administrative affairs of the Housing Authority; to represent the ousing, policies, and programs with employees, community organizations and the general public; to prepare budget requests and make recommendations to the Board on final expenditure levels; to be responsible for proper administration of grant funding; to be responsible for development; maintenance, and improvement of Housing Authority properties and services; and to do related work as required. Responsible for the overall management and development of housing programs utilizing the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act of 1996 (NAHASDA).
Force Account Worker
Under policy direction of the Yerington Paiute Tribal Housing Authority (“YPTHA) The Force Account Worker will perform rehabilitation and construction duties as assigned by the Force Account Manager and/or the Executive Director, rehabilitation/construct YPTHA Community Units as directed, assist the YPTHA with the completion of their Indian Housing Plan activities and programs, and other duties as assigned by the Force Account Manager and/or Executive Director. The positions are project specific and employment will be given until project completion.
Apply Today!
After reviewing your job description. Please submit your application and resume via email or in person to:
Chris Jensen, HR Director
171 Campbell Lane
Yerington, NV 89447
(775) 783-0265
Office Hours 8:00am - 5:00pm Monday - Friday (except holidays)